Education : Dr. rer. nat, Diplom-Informatiker
(Univ. Karlsruhe)
Position : Research Director,
Norwegian Computing Center
Professional : Computer graphics, Computer animation,
Realistic and Nonrealistic Rendering,
Multimedia, User Interface Technology
Member of the board in NORSIGD
Positions : Development Engineer, METRONOR AS
Lecturer at Ifi, UiO.
Research Assistant, Univ. Karlsruhe
Email :
Location : 32V 0583206
UTM 6638724
Projects and Links
The Vera Raytracer
Computer Generated Copper Plates
Paper in Computer Graphics Forum (1994)
The Norwegian Mountain Association (Turistforeningen)
Metronor AS
Norsk Regnesentral (Norwegian Computing Center)
NORSIGD - Norsk Interessegruppe for Grafisk Databehandling
The Eurographics Association
Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
Gesellschaft für Informatik, FG 4.1.4 Animation und Graphische Simulation
Dr. Wolfgang Leister
Last update: December 2023