CIP - Critical Infrastructure Protection
Vision: The timely identification of problems and the wholehearted commitment to avoiding negative consequences to human life, health, property, and the environment.
CIP is essential:
CIP is the protection of information systems for critical infrastructures, including telecommunications, energy, financial services, manufacturing, water, transportation, health care, and emergency services sectors. It is essential since information technology and threats to it affect all sectors of society. Therefore there is a need for the establishment of National IT Security Body for the development and maintenance of critical infrastructures, and the best way of ensuring this the establishment of a National Center of Excellence for the Advancement of Global IT Security under the auspices of the NSB (National IT Security Body).
CIP Methodologies
- Awareness and Alertness
- Unassailability
- Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment, Risk Management
- Information Protection Assurance (Availability, Integrity, Confidentiality, Accountability)
- Intrusion Detection/Monitoring, Tracking, Digital forensics, Packet Tagging, Scanning
- Surveillance, Auditing, Evaluating and Testing
- Information Survivability and Recovery
- Identification, e.g., using pass cards and biometrics
- Threat Prevention, e.g., using bomb detection and thermal imaging scanners
- Predictive Analysis Techniques/alogrithms
- soon....
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