Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir, Ph.D.
Chief Research Scientist, Norwegian Computing Center
Contact information
Email: thordis[at]nr.no
Phone: +47 22 85 25 60
Mailing address: P.O. Box 114 Blindern, NO-0314 Oslo, Norway
Visiting address: Gaustadalléen 23, NO-0373 Oslo [directions]
I am a statistician in the Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning, and Image Analysis (SAMBA) group at the Norwegian Computing Center where I am a Researcher Leader for Climate and Environment. My work is within the fields of spatial and space-time statistics, Bayesian methods and forecasting. I work on environmental applications together with atmospheric scientists and hydrologists to solve problems on uncertainty quantification, probabilistic prediction and model evaluation.
Last updated January 23, 2020 by TLT