PhD Students
Nina Schuhen, University of Oslo, 2016-2019 (with Frode Stordal)
Statistical postprocessing of weather forecast ensembles: Obtaining consistent probabilistic projections at multiple time scales
Qifen Yuan, University of Oslo, 2016-2020 (with Stein Beldring and Chong-Yu Xu)
Statistical postprocessing of climate model results for impact analysis in hydrology
Sebastian Lerch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2013-2016 (with Tilmann Gneiting)
Probabilistic forecasting and comparative model assessment, with focus on extreme events [http]
[Currently Researcher at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology]
Roman Schefzik, Heidelberg University, 2011-2014 (with Tilmann Gneiting)
Physically coherent probabilistic weather forecasts using multivariate discrete copula-based ensemble postprocessing methods [pdf]
[Currently Statistician at University Medical Centre Mannheim]
Eva-Maria Didden, Heidelberg University, 2011-2014 (with Alex Lenkoski and Christoph Schnörr)
Modelling of locally scaled spatial point processes, and applications in image analysis [pdf]
[Currently Senior Epidemilogy Analyst with Actelion]]
Annette Möller, Heidelberg University, 2010-2014 (with Tilmann Gneiting and Alex Lenkoski)
Multivariate and spatial ensemble postprocessing methods [pdf]
[Currently Research Assistant at TU Clausthal]
Diploma/Master Students
Silius M. Vandeskog, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2019 (with Ingelin Steinsland)
Modelling diurnal temperature range in Norway [pdf]
Silje Hindenes, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2017 (with Ingelin Steinsland)
Comparison between a mixture of exponential distributions and the generalized Pareto distributions for flood frequency analysis
Kira Feldmann, Heidelberg University, 2012 (with Michael Scheuerer)
Statistical postprocessing of ensemble forecasts for temperature: The importance of spatial modeling [pdf]
Corinna Frei, Heidelberg University, 2012 (with Tilmann Gneiting)
Probabilistic forecasts of precipitation using quantiles [pdf]
Nadine Gissibl, Heidelberg University, 2012
Proper divergence measures for comparing and combining climate model outputs for extreme temperature indices [pdf]
Natalia Hernández Vargaz, Heidelberg University, 2012
Bayesian point process modelling of earthquake occurences [pdf]
Sebastian Lerch, Heidelberg University, 2012
Verification of probabilistic forecasts for rare and extreme events [pdf]
Dina Richter, Heidelberg University, 2012 (with Alex Lenkoski)
Bayesian ensemble model output statistics for temperature [pdf]
Christian Rohrbeck, Heidelberg University, 2012 (with Tilmann Gneiting)
Isotonic recursive partitioning for combining predictive distributions [pdf]
Sam Dörken, Heidelberg University, 2011 (with Tilmann Gneiting)
Probabilistic forecasting of US Treasury Bills [pdf]
Roman Schefzik, Heidelberg University, 2011 (with Tilmann Gneiting)
Ensemble Copula Coupling [pdf]
Nina Schuchen, Heidelberg University, 2011 (with Tilmann Gneiting)
Ensemble model output statistics for wind vectors [pdf]
Bachelor Student
Christopher Heinz, Heidelberg University, 2012
Calibration of forecast trajectories [pdf]
Last updated January 23, 2020 by TLT